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Grant Orridge
30/06/2024 • 09:00
Hey ppl, Grant here. Just started listening as i got sent a link by my better half Sue and told to listen. Sat at work and the shows this morning have... (Read more)
Lynn Richards
30/06/2024 • 08:48
Good Sunday Morning to Radio 1860 I have been up for some time and have very much enjoyed listening in this morning with Richard entertaining me as I... (Read more)
30/06/2024 • 08:55
Good morning Lynn. Glad to hear you are enjoying this morning. I look forward to hearing of the arrival of your first great grandchild, please do keep... (Read more)
Lynn Richards
23/06/2024 • 09:30
Hello to Radio 1860 and the wonderful Keith T It is fantastic to see you have your message system back up and running. Listening in to the station t... (Read more)
23/06/2024 • 09:35
Hello Lynn, thank you for sticking with Radio 1860. Our message system should be a lot better now with none of the issues of the past. I am happy to h... (Read more)
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